Liebster Award.

Hello fellow bloggers! Not active much lately!
I know my answers to this nomination take too long. But hey Vienna thanks for nominating. ๐Ÿ™‚

LIEBSTER AWARD โ€“ a chain award created by bloggers and passed on from one blogger to another to encourage connections. It is a wonderful, fun way to interact and make friends in the blogging community.

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. You have to answer the questions asked by nominator.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers(who have less than 300 followers) and link them.
4. Create 10 new questions for the nominees to answer.
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

1.What made you write?
Deep thoughts. Life Experiences. Things Iโ€™d wonder about.

2. If you will define love in one word, what would it be and why?
Love is sacrifice. No one had been in love if they donโ€™t know how to sacrifice.

3. Do you believe that thereโ€™s a good in the bad and vice versa?
From the wrong things we learn. From the right things we believe.

4. Do you believe in serendipity?
Fate do exists.

5. How do you see the world?
A spectrum of light with the hues from light to dark and dark to light.

6. What do you think of people in general?
Every person is a book. With their own stories and secrets behind.

7. If you will recommend a song to a brokenhearted person, what song(s) would it be?
No song really heals a shattered heart. Time and acceptance does.

8. What kind of song do you listen to when youโ€™re happy?
Nothing in specific. Upbeat rhythms will do.

9. What makes you happy?
Music. Books. People I love.

10. What do you think is your purpose in this world?
No one really knows. You just have to live life the best way.

And now, i nominate these blogs. ๐Ÿ™‚
1. Vienna
2. Hyacinth
3. crippled by pain
4. beautiful insanity
5. the perfect phoenix
6.ย life smiles tears and we
7. Ankit Mishra
8. Fog
9. dreaming is good for you
10. a state of reverie

1. Inspirations for writing?
2. Chose: live, love or laugh?
3. Point of view on this: Does it get better or you just get used to it?
4. How you deal with pain?
5. Music or Books? Why?
6. Reality or Dreamworld? Why?
7. If there is one character that represents you the most either in movies or books. Who would it be?
8. Aside from being a blogger, what you aspire to be?
9. Any quote you live by?
10. If you would recommend a blog to me, whose blog would it be?

Have fun answering. ๐Ÿ™‚

-Ana Reyes, your msmysterygirl223

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